Monday, June 11, 2007

Where have I been? or Family is Good.

Well ladies and gents, I've been in Modesto, Lodi, San Jose, Palo Alto, and Acampo...all in California. We cruised through the Altamonte Pass into Modesto. We went to Ikea...the biggest home supply store I've ever seen, ate Chicken Marsala while we were there. We stayed with my Ma' in Law in Modesto (there are pix of her place below). We went to Kurt's house where we helped host a rehearsal dinner. We went and took photographs and video of his wedding at his church, and pictures of the reception.

We went Thrift storing with Ma and Hans, (Katrina's other brother... Kurt is the other) btw, I am not supposed to call Katrina's mom Ma...but I do to tease her a bit anyway. We watched Hans play tennis in a match and then with Katrina's Ma', and now we are in a Hotel in Denver awaiting transportation back home.

Time with family reminds me of how blessed I am to have my family and Katrina's family. There are many lonely people in this world. If you have family you are blessed. Don't take them for granted. It's very easy to do, but don't. (I am talking to myself here). Our Family is our most precious Earthly possessions.

Our greatest possession on this earth, or better said what should be the most dear to us, is our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. He said " If anyone comes to me, I will in no wise cast them out" . (that's MY paraphrase). If you come to Him, you will have eternal life, and an eternal family that will love you and accept you. God made us for fellowship.

One of the greatest moments of enlightenment in my own life, was when I realized that God made me WHO I am just the way I am. He wants me to have all of my passion, feelings, quirks, and whatever else He put into me. Of course there is a purpose, and that is to have a relationship with Him, which takes us right back to family. He made me the way I am, and He made you the way you are, to fit into His family.

Here are some pics of the last week.

The first two below are Kurt's house.

The Wedding...

The reception hall...

Katrina's mom's house...

Hans playing tennis...

And finally Katrina's mom demonstrating her sweet skils at a mere 77...