Monday, July 16, 2007

Youth Camp 2007

We survivied the trip from Jacksonville to Gardner Webb. Got checked in. Settled in. Everyone made it alive.

Crossroads is pretty exciting. The "team" met the kids as they got off of the bus. They yell and scream. Then they pass out the room keys and we unloaded the bus.

We immediately attended a rules pep-rally, where we were educated on things that will get you sent home.

Worship was at 7:00pm. A mix of music and preaching resulted in over 50 young people accepting the Lord. Clayton King is the pastor. He gave a no frills invitation to students to make Jesus the most important thing in their life. He led them in a prayer, and then told them to pray silently. There was no music, the lights were on, and he told them to stand if they had accepted Christ. It was a bold move, and he was committed to ensuring that kids weren't going to get emitionally pumped up, and make decisions based on emotions. It was an incredible experience to see kids all over the arena stand boldly for Christ. 4 of the one's standing were ours.

All of the kids standing accepted Christ!
(I know it's blurry, hard to focus with tears in your eyes)

Here is Clayton King, the camp Pastor.

If you are interested in the daily progress, check back often. So far I have an internet connection that will let me manage my site. If I lose it, we'll have to go back to the old-fashioned way of doing things. I may update multiple times in one day, depending on the schedule.

If you are a parent of a youth that is here, don't you DARE fail your teenager by neglecting to pray for them. I challenge you to pray for them 3 times each day. Morning, Noon, and night. If you do this you will be a part of what God does in them this week.

If you aren't a parent, you can pray for them as well. Remember, 3 times a day. They are in morning service at 9:00. Workshop around 11:00, and evening worship at 7:00pm.

A personal footnote.

The production here is very impressive. They have 2 screens on the sides they use for IMAG. They feed it with 5 Sony XDCAM type cameras. 3 are on stands and 2 are mobile down front. Very cool application of video into worship.