Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday Night Update

Hi All.

Just a quick word before I turn out the lights. Whatever you guys are doing back home, in terms of prayer, keep it up!

After the service tonight, we had our group time. The Lord showed up in a big way tonight. You could truly feel the presence of the Lord. As Bro. Kit began the discussion, he asked them to describe to each other, what God was doing here this week in each of their lives.

It started out slow. But then kids we haven't heard from yet began to share very personal things. About how they struggle trying to live for the Lord. How they are embarassed sometimes to be a Christian at school.

Others began to talk about how they left camp last year with good intentions, but have since fallen away. There were tears, there was honesty, and it was quiet and orderly. 50+ kids in one space talking one at a time? Middle schoolers sharing with High Schoolers their most intimate thoughts about their faith. Expressing the need to change their friends when they get home. Sharing their desire to really share their faith with some of their friends at school.

After a half hour or so of this, Kit asked any kid that felt like they needed help, or to talk further with an adult counselor to come to the center of the circle. About 10 did. Then Kit had everyone else gather around them and put their hands on their backs and have a prayer time. I would like to have a picture of that scene, but you'll have to use your imagination. Sometimes it's just not appropriate to click cameras or film the most personal details of people. No camera tonight.

After the prayer was over, there were kids hugging each other, some in tears, some hugging counselors. Then the one's that wanted to stayed and talked one on one. Decisions were made.